Thursday, September 10, 2020

First Week with Covid Symptoms

Monday 9/7 - I had a cough, but I can't tell if it's my allergies or if it's something else. My roommate and I joke that I have Covid, especially when people stare at me in the dining hall when I cough. I have no other symptoms though, so I'm fine. I'm excited for my allergies to go away though.

Tuesday 9/8 - Woke up this morning with a 102° fever. I barley slept because I had the cold sweats, fever dreams, and was coughing all night. I have isolated myself in my room, but haven't gotten a test. I still don't think I have Covid (which sounds stupid) but I can still taste and smell, and I always get sinus infections around this time. 

Wednesday 9/9 - I made an appointment with UHS to get a prescription for my sinus infection. She prescribed me a general antibiotic, but is still requiring me to get a Covid test to be safe. I am in Tier 2 UK mandatory isolation, meaning I can't see any of my friends, or go anywhere outside my room.

Thursday 9/10 - I got a call today that I am positive for Covid. My symptoms have gotten worse since Tuesday; I don't have a fever anymore, but my cough is worse, my chest is tight, it's harder to breathe, and I have a terrible headache. My abdomen hurts from coughing so much. My head is so congested. I moved into the isolation dorms today. This is going to be a LONG 2 weeks. The bed is comfortable, and it comes with a fridge and a microwave. I am not allowed to leave my room at all though, and I can't even do my own laundry! 

Friday 9/11 - Today is my first full day at the quarantine dorm. It's so lonely. The food is okay, but I still ordered groceries to get delivered so I have some option. My symptoms haven't gotten any better, but at least they're not any worse. It's hard watching everyone I know get to go outside and actually talk to people. Today, I just did some homework, watched some movies, and slept. Hoping this goes by quickly! The video above is my quarantine dorm, as well as my dinner that was dropped off that night.

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